collector &
antique items

the legacy of hunt &
love of firearms

the legacy of hunt & love of firearms

“'The best thing about hunting and fishing,' the Old Man said, 'is that you don't have to actually do it to enjoy it. You can go to bed every night thinking about how much fun you had twenty years ago, and it all comes back clear as moonlight.'” — Robert Ruark

Rifles, like fine wine, good books and campfire tales, are inherently built to outlive its original owner. The tradition of hunting and later shooting lends itself to a level of romanticism that very few things on earth can lay claim to. It is our only connection to the world around us, to our most basic self, and to the Almighty.

At A.Rosenthal Guns, we celebrate the legacy of hunting and a passion for firearms, with an assortment of Collector and Antique rifles. We have antique firearms for sale, or simply to view and admire, or if you happen to have a piece, speak to us...everything has a price!

“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”
– Henry David Thoreau

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